One-on-One Intensive

one-on-One Intensive word cloud

Darn it. There is never enough time.

This private One-on-One Intensive provides a storyteller much needed time to do a deep dive into their story. Together, we scrutinize every word of your logline to give it maximum meaning and bringing it to a professional level.

These private intensives give the student ample time and opportunity to ask questions and receive detailed feedback. Many students find themselves considering revising their script based on feedback from their private intensive. Often, more than one logline can be reviewed during a One-on-One Intensive. However, this depends on how much work each logline requires.

Logline Ready? Practice Pitching

If your logline is polished and ready, then use your One-on-One Intensive time to practice pitching.

A pitch is where each key component of your story is explained in brief summaries. Your pitch takes time and practice to perfect. Often — quite often — you only get one opportunity to present your logline or pitch your concept to a director or producer.

Give yourself the One-on-One Intensive experience you deserve and optimize every opportunity to present your work!

Set Up Your Intensive

Contact Christine Owens and level up your presentation skills today!